Success Stories 

& Testimonials

Recent Testimonials

November 2023: Bodi developed a deep passion for math at Leap Ahead, now high school senior at Nueva

"We ran into an old neighbor last weekend and the subject of extracurricular math for his elementary school kids came up. We of course raved about Leap Ahead :) Bodi has thrived at Nueva - as a senior he gets to fill his schedule mostly with electives and 6 of his 8 classes are math! He just submitted a project for HiMCM with a few of his classmates that he is so proud of, and he is planning to major in math. Just wanted to let you know that those early days in elementary school helped develop a passionate mathematician and we have many fond memories of your program." ... from Bodi's Mom.

August 2023: Vihaan receives Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) Grand Honors award (from Nov 2021)

Vihaan has been learning with Leap Ahead since KG and is now only in 5th grade. He has advanced to Leap Ahead Middle School Algebra (Algebra 1) level - at least 3 years ahead of school curriculum. CTY Grand Honors award recognizes students who are two to three grade levels higher. 

August 2023: Anoushka is now entering middle school & has been learning with Leap Ahead since early elementary

"Just wanted to share that Anoushka got into the accelerated math pathway based on her testing scores. Leap Ahead definitely played a strong role there. Thank you."

Summer 2023: Three Leap Ahead high schoolers scored a perfect 800 in SAT

Three of our former students, currently entering senior year of high school, who learned through middle school years with Leap Ahead conveyed the great news that they scored a perfect 800 in their SAT exams. This is among the most fulfilling news that we have received as of yet.

Feb 2023: From student "BR's" dad - BR is a 8th grader in Redwood Shores, CA

"Happy to share that BR helped his team finish 1st in the team round and he himself was placed 3rd in the individual contest at the Math Counts chapter this past weekend in San Mateo County"

BR has been attending Leap Ahead Math contest prep classes (2 or 3 grade levels ahead) since 2019 

Jan 2023: From student "AP"'s mom - AP is a 6th grader in Foster City, CA

"Just wanted to pass this along for AP that he cleared Math 7 proficiency assessment for all three topics below in the first try and now qualified for advanced 8th grade math. We are proud of him! Thanks also to Leap Ahead. I also forgot to mention that when AP graduated elementary school last year, he received the overall 5th grade academic achievement award and a scholarship. He has definitely advanced in his math skills due to your coaching.

Dec 2022: From student "JK"'s mom - JK is a 8th grader in Belmont / RWS, CA

"I just want to share thank you from me and JK. We got news from her math teacher that in her MDTP test, she scored 98%  meaning ... she is now at 9th grade level. I am so proud of the progress she has made. Thank you for all the effort and special care for every student at Leap ahead"

Aug 2022: From student "AC"'s mom - AC is a 7th grader, now in Alpharetta, GA (moved recently from Bay area, CA)

"AC took the assessment and made it to “ enhanced math” at school. It’s the highest level of math of the 3 levels they offer for 7th graders at his school. In fact, based on only algebra, he was able to qualify to attend 8th grade advanced math. But they assessed his geometry at 7th grade enhanced level and so they decided to have him in that level. I must say Leap Ahead MSM class prepared him very well for his new school in Alpharetta, GA. Thank you Leap Ahead"

Every Student Matters

Our students regularly exceed the state standards in Math & ELA

Student Testimonials

From a rising Freshman who attended our classes for many years: "Thank you so much for providing so many opportunities for me ... The LeapAhead math program was probably the most helpful class I have ever taken. I was never too good at math, but when I started in fourth grade, I slowly started to improve. The real turning point was after sixth grade at LeapAhead, when I think I truly improved to become one of the best in my math classes at school. I went from not even qualifying for the 6th grade Math Olympiad B Team to getting into the even more exclusive 7th grade Mathcounts team, and I have no one but LeapAhead to thank for that. Geometry this year was a breeze because of it, and it was even more helpful for competition math like Mathcounts."

From a rising Freshman who was not aware of our program so only joined for a few months during 8th grade : "Thank you for being such an enthusiastic and involved teacher and opening up new topics in math for me. I really appreciate that you took your time and thoroughly incorporated the complex math topics to real-world applications so that we, as a class, would be able to solve real-world problems in the future."

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